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Monday 17 June 2024

Caterpillar Soup and Flying Frogs

This came out a couple of months back & was a rather nice job to illustrate & I was given a great amount of freedom to draw some weird & wonderful stuff for a non-fiction book!

Caterpillar Soup and Flying Frogs by JD Savage from Oxford University Press, shows 7-8-year-olds some of the weird and wonderful changes animals go through and the utterly odd things they have to do first - from dwelling underground for 17 years sucking tree roots, to partially turning into living soup with a memory.

'The Readerful imprint is designed to motivate children to read more, choose a book to read by themselves, boost their vocabulary and develop their knowledge of the world around them - including, I hope, a sense of wonder and curiosity about the nature marvels all around them.'

Tuesday 11 June 2024

My 'get up & go' just got up & went!

 "My 'get up & go' just got up & went!" 

(pen, ink & wash on A6 300gsm watercolour paper)

Friday 31 May 2024

"There's Some Days You Just Can't Get Rid Of A Bomb"

Batman carrying a bomb

 As you might have noticed, Batman has become rather a theme in my work of late, but I think he's always been a recurring motif in my drawing since I was a kid. He's always there lurking under the surface somewhere! 

Tuesday 30 April 2024

Happy International Panic Day!

Happy International Panic Day everybody! Your cast iron excuse to run around screaming for no discernible reason!

Witch Hunt! (Merry Walpurgis Night!)

Witch Hunt

 It's a witch hunt!

Merry #WalpurgisNight (also known as 'Walpurgisnacht' and 'Night of the Witches', is a pagan festival celebrated each year on 30 April.)