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Showing posts with label non-fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label non-fiction. Show all posts

Monday, 2 September 2024

'Better Than Batman. Steve May.'

(Illustration from 'Supernan's Day Out' by Phil Earle pub Barrington Stoke)

Is this is the BEST HEADLINE EVER?!?! : )
Thanks so much to LoveReading4Kids for featuring me in their Illustrators Spotlight this month where I describe what '4 year old me' might think of 'fifty something year old me's' life choices, influences & the essential mischief of being an illustrator, including drawing poo for a living for my new graphic novel with James Turner Poo Crew Adventures - Journey to Pootopia


Monday, 17 June 2024

Caterpillar Soup and Flying Frogs

This came out a couple of months back & was a rather nice job to illustrate & I was given a great amount of freedom to draw some weird & wonderful stuff for a non-fiction book!

Caterpillar Soup and Flying Frogs by JD Savage from Oxford University Press, shows 7-8-year-olds some of the weird and wonderful changes animals go through and the utterly odd things they have to do first - from dwelling underground for 17 years sucking tree roots, to partially turning into living soup with a memory.

'The Readerful imprint is designed to motivate children to read more, choose a book to read by themselves, boost their vocabulary and develop their knowledge of the world around them - including, I hope, a sense of wonder and curiosity about the nature marvels all around them.'

Friday, 26 June 2020

Shark Super Powers

Shark Super Powers by Jillian Morris & Duncan Brake was a really unusual & interesting illustration job for me & I ended up learning lots about these fascinating creatures. It's published by Uclan Publishing & you can order it from here