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Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Superheroes Exhibition

The Superheroes exhibition I've been designing with the Discover Children's Story Centre in Stratford is opening this Sunday 1st April!

(To celebrate the opening of Superheroes on Sunday 1st of April the centre will be free all day. Book tickets on 020 8536 5555)

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

'Look Mom, no hands!'

...this would be very ruinous to my career.

That's all.
(maybe eschew the pork mittens next time?)

Friday, 23 March 2012

Superheroes exhibition

Over the last few months I've been working with the lovely team at The Discover Children's Story Centre designing for an interactive Superheroes exhibition which opens on the 1st April through to the 4th November - I was at the centre yesterday & it's all looking great so here's taster of the display window...more to follow

Find out more here

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Economist Technology Quarterly

Had a lot of fun tackling this cover & insides for The Economist Technology Quarterly for an article called ‘Can The Scientists Keep Up’about drug testing in sport

(They also indulged my delving into the murky world of Inca coca leaf chewing, Viking psyllocybin abuse & other drug abuse in the ancient world which was alluded to in the article along with some gratuitous 'biros in lab coat' scientist clichés!)

For previous work for The Economist click here
Read the article here

Monday, 27 February 2012


It's Onomatopaeia Monday™ folks!*

(*this is a made up day, any resemblance to any other day living or dead is purely coincidental, don't all start going out to buy Hallmark cards for the occasion)

Friday, 17 February 2012

Mr F***-up.

After a rather disastrous day partly brought on by my own inability to manage simple arithmetic I am NOT entertaining this gentleman today!