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Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Poo birds in natural habitat

Look lively! Some natural history for you silly people!

Ice Lolly Peril!

Be careful what you put in yer mouth kids...

Friday, 1 July 2011

How many elephants can you fit in a double decker?

...aahh you do the maths (math for my American readers)
Illustration from Cartoon Kid by Jeremy Strong which also features as July's calendar image for my agents Arena Illustration

Monday, 20 June 2011

Sunday, 19 June 2011

My name's Johnny...

"an' tell all the commies, my name's Johnny, Johnny PISSOFF"

I'm in the process of throwing out old cassettes(!) which have been hanging around in boxes since a very long time ago & found a wonderful compilation which contained The Fugs delightfully titled 'Johnny Pissoff Meets The Red Angel'- this was drawn in response...


Monday, 13 June 2011

insert band name here...

London Fields sketches - he walked by too quickly to clock what the t-shirt slogan was so I took the liberty of inventing it myself - probably some no-mark landfill indie band - I'd have remembered if they were called Cöck Spawn* or something like that.

* the unnecessary umlaut is important in the naming of metal bands don't you know?

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Plummeting Pants!

To further scientifically prove the age old popularity of falling underpants 'Boy Zero - Wannabe Hero - Mystery of the Plummeting Pants' written by Peter Millet published by Faber & illustrated by yours truly has been nominated for a junior fiction award in New Zealand

In celebration here's a picture of General Pandemonium the villain of the piece after his pants have fallen off! I'm too good to you all! : )You can see more here!
& you can buy a copy here