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Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Das Fluff promo 'Would You Die For Me?'

I've just directed & designed a short sting for my band Das Fluff's debut album release - you can watch it here

Friday, 22 April 2011

disguises, & other stories...

This was an illustration for Community Care magazine about social workers avoiding their clients in the street (but as anybody who knows me any excuse for a false moustache will do!)

Monday, 4 April 2011


CRIME! Robbers, skeleton keys, the works!

Debut Das Fluff single released TODAY!

Not animation or illustration linked but my wonderful band Das Fluff have just released our debut single Happy People / Hey You - you can buy it from here or here or even here

'Propelling beats, smooth riffs and vibrant atmospheres ... Das Fluff plays with fire.'

C.J. LAZARETTI - Erotic Review (read more)

'Ooh. Now this is dirrrrty ... a scintillating slice of dance floor genius ... Glorious.'

JAMES BALL - (read more)

Thursday, 31 March 2011

robbing b*stards!

Just finished this for Inside Out magazine for an article about stealing from work commissioned by the delightful Amelia Clark.

Puts me in mind of the classic 'Take Stuff From Work' by the redoubtable King Missile which by the magic of the interweb can be found here! -

Saturday, 19 March 2011


Been conducting some field research on mythical beasties

He's been selected for exhibition at this years Pictoplasma festival too!

Friday, 11 March 2011

Zombie Arcade

From all good newsagents* (& a fair few sh*tty ones too!)

* this is a lie