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Thursday, 30 October 2014

The Haunted Pipe & other stories...

Just in time for Halloween (what do you mean you've never read the Haunted Pipe?!?!)

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Behold, the donut truck!

I was heartened to see a group of NYC cops all eating donuts on my first & only visit to Staten Island many years ago thus fulfilling a cliché for me. The truck was not being driven by a cat much to my consternation - this is called artistic licence*

*also known as 'fibbing a bit'


Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Bash Street Bandits!

I'm currently in the middle of drawing the inside illustrations for this for this but here's a sneak peek at the cover for the next Diary of Dennis the Menace book 'Bash Street Bandit!' written by Steven Butler & published by Puffin Books & will be in the shops in February 2015!