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Saturday 7 November 2015

Whales, wine, spacehoppers & unicorns...

Some images I produced for an animation pitch recently - I rather liked them...

...they didn't call back.

(am guessing they didn't like them)

This is very often the way.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Reinventing the Deal - Economist 24th October

Some new illustrations for The Economist magazine issue dated 24th October where I'm attempting to illustrate how newer companies are outpacing older more traditional ones with new business approaches

You can read the article here

Friday 16 October 2015

Snow bound

More sketchbook bits & pieces.

(insert your own subtext)

Thursday 15 October 2015

Daemon with a balloon.

Sketchbook things.

Facing my Daemons...

Guardian Childrens Books published a lovely article based on the daemons from Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy with various illustrators drawing theirs.
Here's my quick sketch, my daemon being an alarmingly permed yeti armed with a carrot & stick & a book marked 'Good Intentions'.

(psst! I have plenty more daemons I feel! Watch this space...)

Thursday 17 September 2015

The Diary Of Dennis The Menace: The Great Escape! - cover!

Pssst! Here's a sneak preview of the cover for the new Diary of Dennis the Menace - The Great Escape - written by Steven Butler with illustrations by me - afraid you're going to have to wait for 4th February 2016 until you can get your grubby paws on it!

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Felix Frost Time Detective: Roman Riddle

Felix Frost - Time Detective - Roman Riddle by Eleanor Hawken which I illustrated recently has just been published by Quercus books.

"Join Felix Frost, secret boy genius, his chameleon Einstein and his classmate Missy as they travel back in time to Ancient Rome, where terrifying danger and embarrassing togas await."
(as well as chameleons & embarassing togas I also get to draw a toy Yoda, a smattering of chickens & indulge my 'inner Asterix' by drawing some Roman soldiers too! I'm also responsible for all hair styling in the book)
You can get hold of a copy here or better still get off the internet & support your local bookshop & buy it there

Tuesday 8 September 2015


There's been a recent idea from the Met Office who are suggesting 'Members of the public are to be given the opportunity to name storms affecting the UK and Ireland.' with the Twitter hashtag #nameourstorms

Surely being British deserves something more...well, underwhelming? A squally shower called Derek? "Nigel' the disappointingly grey August bank holiday?

Thursday 3 September 2015

Cigarette dreams

This blog's been rather quiet while I've been working on the 6th Dennis the Menace book so I thought I'd enlighten you with an extract from a recent rather 'colourful' series of dreams over the last few nights. Among other things I dreamed of 'human finger pepperami' & last night a woman who was in the middle of attempting to smoke as many cigarettes as possible(!)

Over & out.

Friday 24 July 2015

Monster facts #15

Monster fact: Most nocturnal chocolate eating is down to monsters - but fret not, they NEVER touch the orange creams*

*insert any other flavour you despise - somehow they KNOW!

More monster facts? Go here

Wednesday 22 July 2015

cats & laptops

Some recent character designs

More cats?

Pool Party

No running, no diving, no petting, no spitting etc.

Unicorn tantrum!

(who doesn't?)

*I realise that if there was any justice Unicorn Tantrum really ought to be the name a '70s prog rock / psych group

Monday 20 July 2015

Doomed Franchises #1 Wilbur the Friendly Toast Boy™

Wilbur's exciting adventures were slightly limited by his lack of discernible limbs & tendency to get cold & soggy rather quickly!

You can't do that sort of thing any more!

A Compendium of Unwise Pursuits. 

NB Smoking & fighting is NOT big or clever kids!

(part of the 'Steve May rather hinders his career as a children's illustrator by drawing fighting & smoking' series - I may be a bit of an idiot! ; )

Wednesday 15 July 2015

The Fine British Art of Queuing.

Dennis & friends demonstrating the fine British art of queuing.

From the latest Diary of Dennis the Menace - Canine Carnage written by Steven Butler & published by Puffin

(see also 'passive aggressive tutting' & Britishness)

©DC Thomson and Co. Ltd

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Hot sauce!

When breakfast goes BAD!

More breakfast here

Monday 6 July 2015

Leather Amphitheatre

During the recent rather sultry nights my subconscious has been rather errmmm, 'fruity'!
In response to a dream about a leather amphitheatre (yes, call my therapist etc.) I decided this would make a great name for a fictional metal band so here's a couple of sketches of the members of aforementioned outfit.

Best band in the world! (as the NME would hyperbolize)

See also Klöwnfingerr & other imaginary musical genres

Thursday 2 July 2015

Diary of Dennis the Menace - Canine Carnage

The new Diary of Dennis the Menace - Canine Carnage written by Steven Butler & illustrated by my good self is published today!

Mighty menaces, disaster has struck! Gnasher's got himself into REAL trouble this time.
If he's not careful, DENNIS AND THE DINMAKERS are going to be kicked out of THE FAME FACTOR competition. And with our rockin' tunes, we're guaranteed winners!
I have to do something to help Gnasher out - before he ends up in the doghouse for good!

So who's the 'Greatest rockstar on the planet' huh?

(I had a lot of fun with this one - hope you enjoy it)

Friday 19 June 2015

Klöwnfingerr - Master of Muppets

Unfortunately the rumours that Klöwnfingerr have been lined up as a replacement for the Foo Fighters at Glastonbury 2015 were generally 'made up nonsense' according to band spokesman Jonathan Madeupname who also claims they had 'categorically NOTHING whatsoever to do with Dave Grohl's leg getting broken'
The legendary Moldovan death metal / gabba combo - have been described as ‘a special needs Limp Bizkit minus the intellectual heft with the 'dolt’ knob turned up to 12’

Their classic album Master of Muppets comprising of 137 tracks including classics like 'Brainclot', 'Klöwngäsmm' & 'MMMNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGHH!!!!!' is a must for any music collection.

They are available for weddings, children's parties & light gardening work.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Cushion envy...

Various permutations of cat comfort.

Friday 12 June 2015

Cereal Killer

Combining a couple of my favourite things, monsters & breakfast!  More 'Fearsome Foodstuffs'™making breakfast go with an AAAAARRRGGGGGHHH...SQUELCH!

Warning! Contains additives!*

*& an extremely poor pun, sorry...

(...not that sorry)

Theology corner #1 What synth did Jesus use?

Answers on a postcard to the usual address

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Yeti in a Tutu

I'm supposed to be counting receipts today. This was more fun!

(Apologies to Morrissey*)

(*not really, especially after reading that appallingly turgid autobiography & your recent UKIP supporting antics)

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Menace it Yourself!

Thought I'd share some brand new Illustrations from the new Diary of Dennis the Menace - Menace Yourself Scribble Journal published by Puffin - there's some skateboarding action & a glimpse of the Dennis & the Dinmakers - Dennis' rock band

(I'm wanting to know where I can get a 'Menace' amplifier for myself!)

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Never again.

(yep, I KNOW he's not wearing trousers - deal with it!)

Friday 22 May 2015

The Haunted Lunchbox

The Haunted Lunchbox or... when good foodstuffs go BAD!
With a little nod to Wagon Wheels (which even as a kid I thought were foul) & Um Bongo, which according to legend they drink in the DRC - except this doesn't rhyme / scan in quite the way it did in the slightly naive / racist  '80s commercials!

I'm thinking this would be a great book title, I just haven't come up with the story yet, so here's the cover while you wait...

Thursday 21 May 2015

Johnny Danger - DIY Spy

Having thoroughly enjoyed worked with author (& all round good egg) Peter Millet on his Boy Zero series for Faber & Faber a few years back I recently illustrated the cover for his latest book 'Johnny Danger - DIY Spy' published by Penguin.

 It's billed as 'A hilarious, action-packed tale featuring a pair of evil number twos, a madman, exploding bogey bombs, discount ninjas and a man-eating piranha called Bob.' - what's NOT to like?

It's only available in Australia at the moment but hopefully a UK deal will follow - otherwise you'll just have to buy this edition & read it upside down in the UK.

Here's a couple of the original preliminary character sketches (we lost the Blofeld cat & the water pistol & gained a banana in the process!)