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Friday, 17 April 2015

Tidal beard.

Diary of Dennis the Menace - Canine Carnage cover

Sneak preview of the cover for 'Canine Carnage' the fifth in the very funny Diary of Dennis the Menace series written by Steven Butler & illustrated by me.
Publication date 2nd July 2015

(Wondering if I can swing a free Flying V or Explorer guitar from Gibson for my product placement...hmmm...)

Tuesday, 24 March 2015


I overheard a man in a café in Soho the other day referring to a 'ding-dong', not a phrase I'd heard in a long time & what with the word 'fracas' being rather prevalent in the news recently it got me thinking...

(nobody was hurt during the drawing of this sketchbook page)

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Monster facts #14

That knocking sound in the wardrobe? That'll be the monster hiding in there with his carrier bag full of wire coat hangers (you always wondered where they came from huh?)

More Monster Facts™? Hot foot it over to HERE!

Thursday monster time!

In a long tradition going back at least since I just drew this here's your Thursday monster!

Like monsters? Like facts? Go to here NOW!

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

World Menace (Book) Day 2015

I've been pleased to illustrate a special edition of Diary of Dennis the Menace written by the very funny Steven Butler especially for World Book Day (or World Menace Day as Dennis has decided to rebrand it!) 
A few weeks ago I also took part in a Puffin Virtually Live event where the audience got two Stevens for the price of one, (myself & Mr Butler!) tips on dressing up as Dennis for school on World Book Day itself & I explain how to draw your very own Gnasher! Lots of fun! 

Here's a sneak preview of Dennis' Blobzilla costume I drew for World Book (I mean Menace) Day...
(design by Mandy Norman)

Monday, 23 February 2015

Monster Facts #13

Monsters don't generally let the 'this is extremely uncomfortable' factor get in the way of a good hiding place.

More Monster Facts? Go here