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Tuesday 23 August 2016

Ill-Conceived Comic Franchises #1

During this hot weather this seemed rather are (are you watching Marvel & DC?)

Monday 22 August 2016

Captain Hyperbole!

Can't anyone just 'like' something any more? Captain Hyperbole to the rescue "because everything can't be AMAZING"

Postcard from an English summer

Happy holidays! (& please practice 'safe sun'!)

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Intergalactic Rock Star Monster!

I drew this intergalactic rock star monster (with a bit of a Bowie penchant) especially for the lovely folk at the Discover Children's Story Centre to hang on the wall as part of a collection of portraits by different illustrators to coincide with their recent refurbishment & relaunch.
I was first  involved with Discover back in 2012, designing their Superheroes exhibition & am always so impressed by the place & with the dedication & love the whole team put into it. It's a brilliant place to visit!

‎National Book Lovers Day‬!

Celebrate #‎NationalBookLoversDay‬! by treating yourself to an extra pair of eyes for even MORE book-y goodness! 

Monday 8 August 2016

International Cat Day meets Afternoon Tea Week

Yep, there's days & weeks for everything, but these two are both things I'm fond of!  : )

Friday 5 August 2016

Digital Detox

Drawn in response to various articles in the media about an Ofcom report about the time people spend on the internet (ironically read online) I'd write more but I need to go & troll on Twitter now...