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Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Cats & dogs

A (fighting) cat & dog rescued from a sketchbook left in a tent in a rainstorm - there is a moral here somewhere re. camping & illustration...probably. A memento of a particularly British summer.

Friday, 24 August 2012

sleeping dogs doing what they do best...

Drawing a new book full of dogs, here's one of 'em for your canine delectation.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Hot Dogs

Mmmmm... some tasty new seaside-based work served with a healthy dollop of sauce 'n' pomade

(click to view closer as usual)

(not many animals were harmed in the process)


Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Monkey Theremin (niche publications we have loved)

I love a specialist publication me! (apparently if you give an infinite amount of monkeys theremins eventually they'll compose all of Beethoven's...oh wait, that's typewriters & Shakespeare isn't it?)

See also Zombie Arcade, Victorian Authoritarian

Friday, 10 August 2012

Skellington Ice Cream

this seemed appropriate today (again!) but you can't have too much Tom Waits can ya?

'When it gets too hot for comfort
And you can't get an ice cream cone
T'ain't no sin to take off your skin
And dance around your bones'

Tom Waits

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Cartoon Kid book 4 - Emergency!

Jungle whales

Tiger / kangaroo cake fight

Cow wars!

Disgruntled fairies

Hungry chameleons!

School catering...

The new Cartoon Kid book by Jeremy Strong which I illustrated has just been published by Puffin. You get pictures of vampires, cows, fairies, unlikely whales, arguing tigers & kangaroos & more! How can you resist?
I'd humbly suggest you employ shanks' pony & purchase it from your local independent bookshop or else be a lazy a*** & get it off the interweb